Sunday, October 26, 2008
Alas, poor Jack! I knew him...

What did one jack-o-lantern say to the other? Cut it out!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bold as Brass, He Was...

I'm FLIPpin' Out!

So I'd just like to end by saying *ahem*...All I want for Christmas is a Flip camera, a Flip camera, yes, a Flip camera! Gee, if I could only have a Flip cameraaaaaaa...then I could make some awesome movies! And you know, in case someone (Paprika! Nana! Salt!) reads this and actually decides to buy one for me...I prefer the black case. It's got the very nice rubbery feel to it, you see.
And if there are any Flip executives reading this who would like to reward my product plug with a free camera....I would, of course, be very gracious!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Trust, As Displayed in the Hay Barn

But, I digress. Our final stop of the day was the hay barn. They had numerous bales of hay stacked to create a play area that was about 4 feet tall at its highest point. The girls were having a blast climbing up the 'stairs' and running around on top. It wasn't long before they wanted to jump off and be caught by Salt and/or Paprika. While watching this display, I was struck by the demonstration of trust right in front of me and how it corrolated to my own faith. First, there was Spice. She's a risk-taker...within limits. She had the desire to jump off to her Daddy's arms, but she's not quite willing to put herself all the way out there yet. She still wants the security of knowing that someone's holding her hands before she makes a move. Next, there's Sugar....she's moved a little farther along the continuum. She's scared, that's obvious by the way she constantly bends down to touch the hay whenever she encounters any instability. But despite her fear, she knows that her daddy will catch her so she tentatively jumps to him without any contact before the leap. (Sugar has come a long way in the last year! Jumping out into space like this would have been unthinkable this time last year.) And then there's Cinnamon. The epitome of trust. Eyes never wavering from Salt's face, she launches herself off the hay without hesitation. It's as if the thought that he might not catch her has never crossed her mind. If her daddy says, "Jump!" she jumps. Simple as that. Oh, that I would learn to be like Cinnamon in my relationship with my heavenly father. If I'm honest, I'd have to admit that I'm much more like Spice...still wanting reassurance before I leap. Oh, that I would learn to fling myself into my Father's arms, knowing without a doubt that He will always catch me when He tells me to jump.
Grab Your Tissues as We Say Goodbye to an Old Friend *sniff*

Monday, October 13, 2008
Love the Liberry!

Spice played with some foam blocks, then

tossed bean bags through the 'Rocky' board

while Sugar continued to work on her masterpiece.
Don't know where all this artistic talent came from.....must be the recessive genes coming into play! It's certainly not from her parents.
We also got balloons! We love balloons! Balloons are SO much fun! Until they fly away...which they always seem to do before we can get them home. Why is it that no matter how careful you try to be those little suckers always seem to escape???
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Our Little Picasso
I may be slightly biased, but that's pretty darn good for a four-year-old in my opinion!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Fair to Remember

Thursday, October 2, 2008
I Used To Be Smarter (Before I Had Kids)
Sugar: Where are the shooting stars?
Me: I don't know what you're talking about, baby.
Sugar: Well, Daddy knows about shooting stars.
Me: Yes, he does. Daddy is very smart. He knows about alot of things.
Sugar: Yeah, but you're not. Right, Mommy?