I am happily married to Paprika, my husband of 21 years, and we have two beautiful little girls who joined our family much later than we anticipated, but we are eternally thankful they arrived. I am also a teacher/librarian with 20 years experience in public education currently working as an elementary school librarian.
Spring Break was absolutely delightful! I accomplished very little in the way of housework or any home-improvement projects, but I spent lots of time doing things with my baby girls. My niece, Cinnamon, joined us (along with Nana) on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for trips to the zoo, the park, and The Cupcake Cottage, which is owned and operated by my friend and former co-worker, Sandra Bradshaw. The cupcakes she bakes from scratch are DELICIOUS and we really look forward to our much too infrequent visits to her precious shop. If you live in the Fort Worth area, you MUST pay a visit to The Cupcake Cottage! I recommend the baby cakes because you can try several flavors at once. I don't know if Sandra will back me up on this, but I figure four babycakes are equal to one regular cupcake, so.....eat up! It was wonderful to relax, sleep late (7:30!), and spend time with Sugar and Spice. Add to that a massage and pedicure (thank you, Pappyrika!) followed by a lovely dinner with my hubby one evening and you've got a near-perfect spring break. Ahhhhh! And the best thing........summer break is only 11 weeks away!
After a couple of my colleagues were discussing mothers of 3 year olds who had not yet potty-trained their children, I decided that in light of Spice's upcoming *ahem* 3rd birthday *ahem * that I had better get serious about this affair. So we started earnestly working on the potty visits two weeks ago. We had an ENTIRE weekend where we were basically at home, so it was a good time to start....or so I thought. Previous attempts to make this step toward big girldom were met with serious resistance so I wasn't entirely hopeful. However, it seems that the time was right...she didn't protest much at all, and although she had several accidents the first week we seem to be well on our way to the end of the diaper era. She's been accident-free this week and even took herself to the potty last night to poop! Whooo hooo! My baby is growing up....and yes, I'm a little sad about it.