About Me

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I am happily married to Paprika, my husband of 21 years, and we have two beautiful little girls who joined our family much later than we anticipated, but we are eternally thankful they arrived. I am also a teacher/librarian with 20 years experience in public education currently working as an elementary school librarian.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Spice's First Haircut

Spice got her first haircut today and I think I can state without reservation that she thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Just see for yourself!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Spice, She LOVES the Jewelry

We were at my brother's house a couple of weeks ago when Spice found her cousin's stash of plastic necklaces and bracelets. She proceeded to don every single one of them. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present 'Missus T'!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Post in Which She Does Not Mention Sugar OR Spice

I was finally able to watch Expelled, the Movie, last week. Wow. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely make the time. Ben Stein does an amazing job of showing how academia marginalizes, ostracizes, and punishes anyone who attempts to question the religion of Darwinism. He also draws a clear correlation between science's blind belief in the theories put forth by Darwin and the holocaust perpetrated by Hitler, as well as the continuing atrocity of abortion perpetuated by groups like Planned Parenthood. This movie provides much to think about in terms of academic freedom and the open hostility of many in the 'academic elite' toward those who dare to even suggest that there might be a Designer behind the earth and all it contains. It was recently released on DVD so go rent it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boo Hoo.

Due to a death in the family, I missed Halloween with the girls this year. My mom's only brother died unexpectedly and I had to fly to Virginia with her, my brother, and my niece for the funeral over the weekend. I hated missing trick-or-treating with my little pirate and Dr. Sugar, but I did get to see them in their costumes the weekend prior to Halloween when we went to a local fall festival. And, thanks to the wonders of technology, I was able to get pictures of them on Halloween from Paprika almost instantly! When I spoke to Sugar on the phone Friday evening she told me that she had gotten LOTS of candy, much more than Spice. Hmmm, I ask, how did you get more candy than Spice (knowing that they had been to the exact same places). Well, she says, I guess they thought I was cute. Oh, of course. That must be it!